Saturday 13 October 2012

Blackberries & Fun!

Hello all! It's 2 weeks until commissioning and I'm super excited about seeing my friends again :) if you're coming down for the commission then let me know so I get the chance to catch up with you!

Just seen my first blackberries of the season and they reminded me of home... Scratched up hands and lots of yummy jam from when we went blackberry picking :D here's a photo! Miss you mum!

Off to town as I write this! So thankful for my new HTC! I really wanted a new phone after I accidentally knelt on my old pink one... God provided a brand new phone for next to nothing and now I can update my blog on the go! Three cheers for free internet :)

I missed the bus so I decided to walk the 2 & 1/4 miles into town to get some excersise :) surprisingly its not taken as long as I thought :O I've got some time on my hands before I meet up with Simon and Julia to go to the cinema so I'm doing a bit of shopping in town before hand... Speaking of which... For those of you who like LZ7... I was in one of the shopping centres on Thursday as I'd left my office keys at home and I had run out of a certain essential... Anyway I came out of superdrug and what should be playing over the sound system... Only This little light! I was so amazed and encouraged by this that I immediately called the biggest LZ7 fan I know... My dad! So there you go! Christian music is good enough to be played in shopping centres bringing light to an otherwise dull day!

I realise I've not really spoken much about my work outside the office! Whoops! Well first off I'm kept really busy so don't worry! I'm not slacking off! I'll tell you just what I get up to and if you could make time to pray that God will work through me and my team mates in the situations that would be fantastic!

So Mondays, depending on the week, I either do a lunch club and two nurture groups (from 12:25-3:30) or I have a day of training with the YFC volunteers in Ashby and Nottingham from 10am til 4pm. The next Hub Training is on the 22nd October so prayer for that will be great!

Tuesdays I have church support from 9am-12pm in which I help out at the mums and toddlers group. Then at around 1:45pm I'm at one of the local High Schools (Paulet) helping the Year 11 Spanish class with pronunciation and other speaking stuff. Starting this Tuesday coming (16th Oct) I'll be helping out at an arts and crafts club at St. Mary's church at 3pm. By 5pm I'm just about done! I've started going to a home group hosted by a couple at my church which I'm really enjoying. It's not work but its part of my growth so I thought I'd let you know. That's at 7:30pm but its a long ride from Anslow where I live to Winshill so prayer for a safe ride especially in these darker autumnal days. That's every two weeks.

On Wednesday I have a pretty quiet day. I just have a homework drop in club at King's Way church from 3:30pm til 5pm where the young people can come to either do homework or hang out with their friends after school.

Thursday... Wow its a busy day! A late start at 12:05 at Paulet for another Spanish support session until 1:05pm. Then its off to the after school club at St. Chad's church from 3 ish until 5pm. Prayer for this club will be especially appreciated as the kids tend to be very... Hyperactive... And it is very exhausting. After that I have about an hour to grab some grub then I'm off to King's Way church for N:Gage... The equivalent of Pathfinders. That's from 6:30pm til 8:30pm... We are preparing for a showcase on the 4th November which has a dance to 27 Million by LZ7 and Matt Redman, the dance looks fantastic however the YFC policy calls for the youth workers to take part in the activities with the young people... In other words my calf muscles are aching from my awesome dance workout... At least the dance looks cool :) so yeah... Prayer for energy on Thursdays would be especially apperciated as I only get home around 9pm.

Fridays we have just started up a new after school club at Riverview Primary School which we are fully booked up for! Popularity is great but it can be tough keeping the kids entertained so prayer for that will be great! That's from 3:30 til 4:30... Then I'm out in the evening at 7pm for Riverside's youth group! Phew!

That's my week day schedule... Now for weekends! Saturdays are usually my day off... However on Sunday I have youth work at church during the service. Then depending on the week I may have an event on during the evening. This Sunday I am going to a family's house after church for lunch which will be great. Then I'm out at a service in the evening and if all goes to plan... I will be sharing my full testimony for the first time! So prayer for that especially will be amazing!

There we have it! My full timetable! Prayer for any of the work I do will be fabulous and if you are praying for something in particular just let me know! Either by contacting me on facebook or just chat to my mum or dad! I have to go now as its about time to meet Simon and Julia! Thanks so much for reading! And thanks so much for the prayer! God bless!

Friday 5 October 2012

Newsletter Fiasco!

Hello all! Just thought I would tell you all of our... Interesting morning printing & producing the termly newsletter! I arrived at the office a while before 10 am which was when I was supposed to be in by and was greeted with the news that the printer in the office had run out of coloured ink... Disaster!! After many attempts of keeping the printer running... One even involving the laying on of hands... We had to pull out the old printer from the storage room and print, compile and staple together just over 100 newsletters at a speed that made snails look like cheetahs! Very slowly!! But we made it! Just 300 copies left!

Anyway moving on from the newsletter... I'm looking forward to seeing my YFC friends and who knows how many home friends and family soon at the commission day in Birmingham! Just 3 weeks to go! Love you all and thanks for reading!

Tuesday 2 October 2012

National Day of Prayer

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I updated. Not much has changed in my schedule apart from a few new clubs starting for after school. However on Saturday 29th October, I joined a few people from my church here, as well as some of the youth in one of my youth groups, to go to the National Day of Prayer and Worship in Wembley stadium! The worship was absolutely fantastic and we prayed about many things, amongst which were things like the upcoming year, the Jubilee, Olympic and Paralympic games and even the work of Tearfund. Here are a few photos from the day!

One of the highlights of the day for me was when I got to see my YFC friends from different places in the UK! I also enjoyed it when Matt Redman and LZ7 united onstage to play Twentyseven Million live! My youth group and I, though far apart in separate areas of the stadium, all joined together in a dance we had learned to that song.