Tuesday 15 January 2013

Café Zen November 17th

Mel wins the arm wrestle!
The sock challenge... EWW!
The next Whitney Houston? Maybe not...
Brussel Sprout milkshake... Yum?
Gangnam Style!
Sue's pink hair!
Hello all! Yes I finally got round to posting my updates! So much has happened since I last updated that I've decided to post about the major things that have happened! So... Around mid-November, BYFC hosted a youth event in a local community cafe (Cafe Zen). The theme of the evening was Challenge YFC, and the young people of Burton took to Facebook to post challenges for the staff and volunteers of Burton YFC. The event was kicked off with some music, YMCA style. Then the first challenge was announced! Mel was challenged to arm wrestle one of the youth but since the youth who challenged her wasn't at the event, so Ash, a youth worker, stepped up to challenge Mel... He lost! After this challenge we had more music then the next challenge was given. The challenge was for Simon, Julia and I to drink a can of coke (or lemonade) through a sock from the feet of the young people present! Sweat and all! Disgusting! Naturally, my host's son offered his sock for my challenge and another young person offered both of hers for the other two. Let's just say I felt very ill after that challenge! The next challenge was for four of our workers to do the after eight challenge, where you have to move an after eight mint from your forehead to your mouth, without using your hands! The partakers ended up with smears of melted chocolate on their foreheads and hair pushed back off the face looking slightly crazy! The next challenge was for Graham to sing Amazing Grace! I think he did very well and he got a round of applause at the end of the song for effort! Next I tried my hand at hosting, I was asked some... Interesting (slightly embarrassing) questions by the other hosts and it was time to pick the next challenge... For me... Possibly one of the worst! I had to get down on one knee and sing I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston to Simon, my fellow YFC One volunteer. I did awfully and managed to earn myself a new nickname: Whitney. Just great! Next it was Matt's turn to take the mic! He sand Born This Way by Lady Gaga which was FUNNY! The next challenge was for Graham to drink a vile concoction of blended Brussel sprouts, milk, vinegar and a tomato! The smell was enough to churn the stomach but poor Graham had to drink it! He did amazingly well and managed about 3/4 of the large smoothie with the challenger finishing it off! The next challenge was for Matt and Mel to sing a duet to Summer Nights from Grease, with Matt doing the famous ending, Travolta style! A couple of the girls and guys joined the pair as backing singers and as expected, an interesting performance followed, with Matt hitting the show-stopping high note! Well almost! He gets extra points for the pose right? The next challenge was for Sue to spray her hair pink! To some of you it may seem pretty boring but of course Sue was worried about her highlights so PINK was a big deal for her! We took her outside to do the deed whilst the final challenge for YFC team members took place... Matt and Graham... Gangnam Style! They had to do the internationally famous dance to the equally famous song by PSY, the South Korean singer. An enthusiastic performance in which the entire cafe joined towards the end! Sue rejoined us with her hair the colour of candy floss and we started to say our goodnights... But we weren't done! We still had one challenge left... And we weren't letting the youth who challenged us get off that easily! We picked out three volunteers and challenged them to drink a Sour Cream and Onion Pringles milkshake! Ha! Payback time! :) After watching another disgusting beverage disappear into the sickly stomachs of our challengers, it was time to clear up and clear off! Phew! That was an entertaining but FUN evening! Awesome!

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